Articles by SLM Team

Enjoy Scotland Responsibly

Discovering Scotland can be a magical experience. Our country has so much to offer, from undulating hills, rugged landscape, pristine beaches, amazing wildlife, stunning foliage, and spectacular sights at every turn. It is important that we ensure we keep it this way, so we ask all of our customers to respect the areas you visit,

Light after lockdown

As we all still struggle on through the restrictions of lockdown, one thing has become clear to us, once the government regulations are lifted we want to support local businesses and Scottish tourism as much as possible. Small Scottish businesses have been greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, including ours, and we want to ensure

Romantic Getaways

Looking to escape with your partner for a special occasion? Want to whisk your other half away on a surprise weekend getaway? Why not consider a romantic motorhome getaway? If you are looking to spend some quality time together – whether it be simply an escape from busy lives or to celebrate a milestone anniversary

Autumn Adventures

The kids may be back at school and holiday time may be over for now, but before you know it the October holidays will be sneaking up on us! Another two weeks to create fun-filled days to stop your little ones repeating that dreaded phrase “I’m bored”. If you are thinking of a change of

Motorhoming with a difference

Our motorhomes have been handpicked to offer customers a luxurious home away from home. High quality furnishings, comfortable beds that are made up for your arrival, a spacious bathroom with shower cubicle, plenty of storage and many special touches throughout, ensure that your experience when you book with Scotland’s Luxury Motorhomes is second to none.

Surviving a motorhome with kids

I never imagined that we would become motorhome enthusiasts at quite such a young age. However, having a young family and a desire to discover more of Scotland and get the kids to appreciate the outdoors have all combined to create our love of motorhoming. Surviving a motorhome with kids is an art form though.